NIN(Network In Network)

There are some details of reading and implementing the Network In Network for image classification.

Classification Review

There are the list of typical Image Classification CNNs.

RN(Relation Network)

There are some details of reading and implementing the Relation Network for few-shot learning.


This blog records the details about building hexo blogs, as well as deploying it to Github and Coding Pages.

Java Back-end Interview



Learning Java Virtual Machine(JVM)


对于Java的学习也有一段时间了,却始终会有一些地方容易混淆,归结原因,还是偏底层的东西不太了解。前段时间便学习了关于Java虚拟机相关的内容,主要从阅读 《深入理解Java虚拟机》 进行总结。

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