

This blog records the details about building hexo blogs, as well as deploying it to Github and Coding Pages.

Basic Installation

Install Node.js and Git

install Node.js

Just go to the website and you can download it. Then, it will be installed at /usr/local/bin .
After that, you can validate it as follows:

$ node -v
$ npm -v

install Git

Also, you can just download and check your git version as follows:

$ Git --version
git version 2.20.1

Install Hexo

Now, we can install the Hexo. Note that add sudo to solve the problem of permission. -g refers global install.

$ sudo npm install -g hexo-cli

I have met some problems in this way, and through another way solved it:

sudo npm install -g hexo-cli --unsafe-perm

Initialize Hexo

  1. Create a folder(e.g. blog ) and cd into it.
  2. Initialize blog and download a series of files.
  3. Install npm .
  4. hexo generate and server.
$ mkdir blog
$ cd blog
$ sudo hexo init
$ sudo npm install
$ hexo g
$ hexo s

Install Themes

Note that there are more than one _config.yml in the blog file.

  • one is in root directory .
  • and every themes directory also have one.

Choose themes

It is possible for us to choose our own themes by the website.
For me, what I like is the hexo-theme-icarus.

Download themes

Now, what we need to do is download it as follows:

$ cd blog
$ git clone https://github.com/ppoffice/hexo-theme-icarus.git themes/icarus

Change themes

Then, for the _config.yml in root directory : Changing theme: landscape to theme: yilia .

Reload hexo

Last, just reload hexo generate and server .

Customize themes

There are a lot of ways to define your own functions. For me, a simple way is finding a suitalbe theme and just download it. Besides, I visited all the issues and documents of offical github.
The following is core functions.


This file in root directory represents the global hexo settings , and in themes directory just configure one theme.

root directory

It includes site , themes , deployment , sitemap and so on. My complete configuration pushed at the Github .

icarus directory

Similarly, it contains important settings. Like images , navbar , footer , search , comment, widgets, and other plugins .

Pages & Domain

  • Pages:
    There are Github Page and Coding Page could be choose. More details can be find in their websites.
  • Domain:
    I register .top domain in AliCloud , following resolve the URL by CNAME .


  • baidusitemap.xml
  • sitemap.xml(Google)


This blog just mentioned kinds of core keywords , if you have any question about that, just google or baidu it and then solve it.


  1. npm usage: sudo cnpm install xxx to use taobao mirrors.
  2. daily commands: hexo clean , hexo s -g , hexo d -g .

Source Tree

├── _config.yml
├── package.json


[1] Hexo Documents
[2] Icarus Documents & Issues
[3] customize Icarus
[4] deploy git to Github & Coding
[5] push sitemap to Baidu & Google
[6] back up hexo datas to Github



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